{{tag>Serveur Domino BROUILLON}}
====== Lancement du serveur Domino ======
**Attention ! Lotus Domino est une marque déposée d'IBM. Son installation est soumise à un copyright et à des licences spécifiques. Ce n'est pas un produit gratuit**
**Attention ! Lotus Domino n'est pas officiellement supporté pour le moment sur Ubuntu, même si comme le montre cet article il est possible de l'utiliser.**
**Pré-requis :** Mise à jour du système avec les dernières bibliothèques. Sous ubuntu, sudo apt-get update. Avoir les droits administrateur dans le répertoire où se trouvent les sources.
===== 1. Début de la procédure =====
Une fois le paramétrage effectué, il est nécessaire de lancer le serveur.
Se connecter en utilisateur "notes" (su notes)
utilisateur@debians:~$ su notes
Mot de passe :
Il faut aller dans le répertoire **/local/notesdata/**
notes@debian:~$ cd /local/notesdata/
Si on lance un "ls", on doit avoir le résultat suivant :
activity.ntf cca50.ntf deutsch.dic DomShrct.sh headline.ntf link.gif nntpcl6.ntf pubweb50.ntf suomi.dic
admin4.ntf certlog.ntf dfc dschweiz.dic hebrew.dic lndfr.ntf nntpdi50.ntf PwdResetSample.nsf svensk.dic
afrikaan.dic certpub.ntf diagindex.nbf dsgnsyn.ntf hellas.dic lndsutr.ntf nntppost.ntf reports.ntf teamrm7.ntf
AgentRunner.nsf certreq.ntf dircat5.ntf dspa.ntf help loga4.ntf nodelock resrc8.ntf text.gif
alog4.ntf cldbdir4.ntf discussion8.ntf dspd.ntf homepage.nsf log.ntf norbok.dic rmeval ticket.idt
arabic.dic clusta4.ntf doclbm7.ntf dspv.ntf httpd.cnf lschema.ldif nornyn.dic roamingdata.ntf toolbox.ntf
archlg50.ntf cppfbws.ntf doclbs7.ntf dummy.txt IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT ltecmch1.dic notebook8.ntf rss_generator.ntf TraceSettings.properties
aus.dic csrv50.ntf doclbw7.ntf error.gif icl.ntf ltecmzh1.dic notes.ini russian.dic turkiye.dic
autosave.ntf czech.dic doladmin.ntf espana.dic idvault.ntf magyar.dic notes.ini.1 schema.ntf uk.dic
billing.ntf da50.ntf dolcert.id etc image.gif mail85.ntf pernames.ntf setupjni.txt unknown.gif
binary.gif dansk.dic dolres.ntf events4.ntf imapcl5.ntf mailbox.ntf perweb50.ntf setuplog.txt updatesite.ntf
bookmark.ntf dba4.ntf domadmin.ntf exec.nbf inetlockout.ntf mailjrn.ntf phonebook7.ntf shm.nbf us.dic
brasil.dic dbdirman.ntf domcfg5.ntf fault_recovery.log ini.nbf movie.gif pid.nbf smupgrade.ntf userlicenses.ntf
browser.cnf dblib4.ntf domchange.ntf feedcontent.ntf iNotes mq.nbf polcysyn.ntf soap.client.props userreg.ntf
busytime.ntf ddm.ntf domino folder.gif islensk.dic mtstore.ntf polska.dic sound.gif us.med
canadien.dic decomsrv.ntf Domino8.lic francais.dic italiano.dic namagent.nsf portugal.dic srchsite.ntf webadmin.ntf
catala.dic decsadm.ntf dominoblog.ntf frstrings.dat iwaredir.ntf nederlnd.dic properties ssl.client.props wpdic.dic
catalog.ntf deutsch2.dic domlog.ntf graphic.gif journal6.ntf nedplus.dic pubnames.ntf statrep5.ntf
Il existe une méthode donnée par IBM pour faire en sorte que le compte utilisateur "notes" puisse lancer une console graphique pour le paramétrage. Elle est indiquée ci après mais ne s'avère pas forcément nécessaire.
notes@debian:/local/notesdata$ su -
Mot de passe :
root@debian:~# /usr/X11R6/bin/xhost debian
/usr/X11R6/bin/xhost: unable to open display ""
notes@debian:/local/notesdata$ su notes
Mot de passe :
notes@debian:/local/notesdata$ export DISPLAY=debian:0
===== 2. Méthode simple =====
Il est bien plus simple de fermer la session en cours et de se connecter avec le compte utilisateur "notes" (écran de login gnome ou kde)
Une fois la session lancée, ouvrir un terminal et lancer la commande suivante :
notes@debian:/local/notesdata$ /opt/ibm/lotus/bin/server
Voici ce qui devrait défiler à l'écran avant le lancement de la partie Java du Setup.
./java -ss512k -Xoss5M -cp jhall.jar:cfgdomserver.jar:Notes.jar lotus.domino.setup.WizardManagerDomino -data /local/notesdata
Locking assertion failure. Backtrace:
#0 /usr/lib/libxcb-xlib.so.0 [0xa3a05767]
#1 /usr/lib/libxcb-xlib.so.0(xcb_xlib_unlock+0x31) [0xa3a058b1]
#2 /usr/lib/libX11.so.6(_XReply+0x254) [0xa3a69c44]
#3 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/xawt/libmawt.so [0xa3b57a68]
#4 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/xawt/libmawt.so [0xa3b3827e]
#5 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/xawt/libmawt.so [0xa3b384dc]
#6 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/xawt/libmawt.so(Java_sun_awt_X11GraphicsEnvironment_initDisplay+0x27) [0xa3b387b3]
#7 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/libj9vm24.so [0xb7db1615]
#8 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/libjclscar_24.so(java_lang_J9VMInternals_initializeImpl+0xdc) [0xb75755f8]
#9 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/libjclscar_24.so(java_lang_Class_forNameImpl+0x2ed) [0xb7584ffd]
#10 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/libj9vm24.so [0xb7daccd5]
#11 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/libj9vm24.so [0xb7daed7b]
#12 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/libj9prt24.so [0xb7d7bc07]
#13 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/libj9vm24.so [0xb7dacf07]
#14 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/libj9vm24.so [0xb7dad333]
#15 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/libj9vm24.so [0xb7dac135]
#16 ./java(JavaMain+0x2c4) [0x8049eac]
#17 /lib/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0 [0xb7fb04c0]
#18 /lib/i686/cmov/libc.so.6(clone+0x5e) [0xb7f226de]
Locking assertion failure. Backtrace:
#0 /usr/lib/libxcb-xlib.so.0 [0xa3a05767]
#1 /usr/lib/libxcb-xlib.so.0(xcb_xlib_lock+0x2e) [0xa3a0581e]
#2 /usr/lib/libX11.so.6 [0xa3a68de9]
#3 /usr/lib/libX11.so.6(XGetVisualInfo+0x26) [0xa3a5f156]
#4 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/xawt/libmawt.so [0xa3b37658]
#5 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/xawt/libmawt.so [0xa3b37853]
#6 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/xawt/libmawt.so [0xa3b38594]
#7 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/xawt/libmawt.so(Java_sun_awt_X11GraphicsEnvironment_initDisplay+0x27) [0xa3b387b3]
#8 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/libj9vm24.so [0xb7db1615]
#9 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/libjclscar_24.so(java_lang_J9VMInternals_initializeImpl+0xdc) [0xb75755f8]
#10 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/libjclscar_24.so(java_lang_Class_forNameImpl+0x2ed) [0xb7584ffd]
#11 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/libj9vm24.so [0xb7daccd5]
#12 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/libj9vm24.so [0xb7daed7b]
#13 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/libj9prt24.so [0xb7d7bc07]
#14 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/libj9vm24.so [0xb7dacf07]
#15 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/libj9vm24.so [0xb7dad333]
#16 /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/85000/linux/jvm/lib/i386/libj9vm24.so [0xb7dac135]
#17 ./java(JavaMain+0x2c4) [0x8049eac]
#18 /lib/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0 [0xb7fb04c0]
#19 /lib/i686/cmov/libc.so.6(clone+0x5e) [0xb7f226de]
*Warning all runtime debug info will be logged to /local/notesdata/setuplog.txt
===== 3. Partie graphique de l'installation =====
Se lance alors la partie Java dont voici les saisies d'écrans :
Et ainsi on arrive à cet écran de configuration du serveur.
Les paramétrages sont alors fonction des nécessités de "service". C'est à l'administrateur Domino de prendre le relais pour configurer comme il se doit le serveur.
Après cet écran final, on va pouvoir passer au lancement proprement dit du serveur, pour son fonctionnement au quotidien.
Lancer le serveur depuis ce répertoire : /opt/ibm/lotus/bin/server
notes@debian:/local/notesdata$ /opt/ibm/lotus/bin/server
Après cet écran final, on va pouvoir passer au lancement proprement dit du serveur, pour son fonctionnement au quotidien.
Lancer le serveur depuis ce répertoire : /opt/ibm/lotus/bin/server
notes@debian:/local/notesdata$ /opt/ibm/lotus/bin/server
Et voici ce qui devrait défiler à l'écran, et qui peut être retrouvé dans le log.nsf du serveur :
07/04/2009 16:50:41 Lotus Domino (r) Server started, running Release 8.5
07/04/2009 16:50:41 Server started on physical node debian
07/04/2009 16:50:41 Creating Administration Requests database
07/04/2009 16:50:44 Event Monitor started
07/04/2009 16:50:44 Event: Creating the Monitoring Configuration database.
07/04/2009 16:50:52 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/names.nsf view note Title:'($ServersLookup)')
07/04/2009 16:50:55 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/names.nsf view note Title:'($Groups)')
07/04/2009 16:51:01 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/names.nsf view note Title:'($Networks)')
07/04/2009 16:51:01 Event: Copying documents into the Monitoring Configuration database
07/04/2009 16:51:05 NSF_QUOTA_METHOD changed to 2.
07/04/2009 16:51:05 FormulaTimeout changed to 120.
07/04/2009 16:51:09 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/names.nsf view note Title:'($ServerGroups)')
07/04/2009 16:51:10 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/names.nsf view note Title:'($ExternalDomainNetworkAddresse')
07/04/2009 16:51:13 Creating new mailbox file mail.box
07/04/2009 16:51:14 The Console file is /local/notesdata/IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT/console.log
07/04/2009 16:51:14 Console Logging is ENABLED
07/04/2009 16:51:22 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/names.nsf view note Title:'($InternetSites)')
07/04/2009 16:51:28 Database Server started
07/04/2009 16:52:19 Schedule Manager started
07/04/2009 16:52:22 Rooms and Resources Manager started
07/04/2009 16:52:23 Calendar Connector started
07/04/2009 16:52:23 Starting update of database usage statistics
07/04/2009 16:52:27 DAOSMGR: DAOS Manager started
07/04/2009 16:52:28 DAOSMGR: DAOS is not enabled, nothing to do.
07/04/2009 16:52:28 DAOSMGR: DAOS Manager terminating
07/04/2009 16:52:28 DAOSMGR: DAOS Manager shutdown complete
07/04/2009 16:52:32 Stats agent started
07/04/2009 16:52:41 Database Replicator started
07/04/2009 16:52:42 Replicator is set to Ignore Database Quotas
07/04/2009 16:52:41 Index update process started
07/04/2009 16:52:42 Statistic Collector started
07/04/2009 16:52:43 Creating Database Directory Cache database (dbdirman.nsf)...
07/04/2009 16:52:52 Informational, rebuilding view - selection or column formula changed (reading /local/notesdata/names.nsf view note Title:'($InternetSites)')
07/04/2009 16:52:55 Admin Process: debian/orleans is the Administration Server of the Domino Directory.
07/04/2009 16:52:57 RnRMgr: Informational: Schedule Manager is responsible for the busytime database on this server.
07/04/2009 16:52:57 SchedMgr: Informational: Schedule Manager is responsible for the busytime database on this server.
07/04/2009 16:52:58 IMAP Server: Starting...
07/04/2009 16:52:58 POP3 Server: Starting...
07/04/2009 16:52:58 Agent Manager started
07/04/2009 16:52:58 SMTP Server: Starting...
07/04/2009 16:53:03 Removing the version 0 free time data. Recreating it as version 4.
07/04/2009 16:53:12 Enabling the recording of user activity for AgentRunner.nsf
07/04/2009 16:53:31 AMgr: Executive '1' started. Process id '26607'
07/04/2009 16:53:36 POP3 Server: Started
07/04/2009 16:53:36 LDAP Server: Starting...
07/04/2009 16:53:37 IMAP Server: Started
07/04/2009 16:53:37 SMTP Server: Started
07/04/2009 16:53:37 HTTP Server: Using Web Configuration View
07/04/2009 16:53:39 Stats: Creating Mail-In Database record for stats destination 'debian Stats/orleans'
07/04/2009 16:53:39 HTTP Server: Error - Unable to Bind port 80, port may be in use or user needs net_privaddr privilege
07/04/2009 16:53:40 Stats: Creating Stats Mail-In Database.
07/04/2009 16:53:41 Opened session for debian/orleans (Release 8.5)
07/04/2009 16:53:44 HTTP Server: Shutdown
07/04/2009 16:53:45 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/names.nsf view note Title:'($Adminp)')
07/04/2009 16:53:46 DECS: Creating DECS Administrator database ...
07/04/2009 16:53:52 An Adminp request has been submitted to update port information in the server document
07/04/2009 16:53:55 Rooms and Resources Manager: Informational: Detailed schedule information collection is not enabled via the domain-wide Server Configuration document.
07/04/2009 16:53:55 RnRMgr: Validating schedule database
07/04/2009 16:54:00 Informational, rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /local/notesdata/names.nsf view note Title:'($Clusters)')
07/04/2009 16:54:02 RnRMgr: Done validating schedule database
07/04/2009 16:54:04 Schedule Manager: Informational: Detailed schedule information collection is not enabled via the domain-wide Server Configuration document.
07/04/2009 16:54:04 SchedMgr: Validating schedule database
07/04/2009 16:54:04 Informational, rebuild view needed - invalid collection header (reading /local/notesdata/names.nsf view note Title:'($LDAPCN)')
07/04/2009 16:54:04 Informational, rebuilding view - validation error (reading /local/notesdata/names.nsf view note Title:'($LDAPCN)')
07/04/2009 16:54:15 SchedMgr: Done validating schedule database
07/04/2009 16:54:25 Enabling the recording of user activity for PwdResetSample.nsf
07/04/2009 16:54:29 Router: Mail Router started for domain ORLEANS
07/04/2009 16:54:29 Router: Internet SMTP host debian in domain orleans.fr
07/04/2009 16:54:43 Informational, rebuilding view - selection or column formula changed (reading /local/notesdata/names.nsf view note Title:'($LDAPCN)')
07/04/2009 16:54:51 DECS: DECS Administrator database created
07/04/2009 16:54:53 Enabling the recording of user activity for activity.ntf
07/04/2009 16:54:59 Informational, rebuild view needed - invalid collection header (reading /local/notesdata/names.nsf view note Title:'($LDAPRDNHier)')
07/04/2009 16:54:59 Informational, rebuilding view - validation error (reading /local/notesdata/names.nsf view note Title:'($LDAPRDNHier)')
07/04/2009 16:55:11 Informational, rebuilding view - selection or column formula changed (reading /local/notesdata/names.nsf view note Title:'($Adminp)')
07/04/2009 16:55:13 JVM: Java Virtual Machine initialized.
07/04/2009 16:55:15 RunJava: Started lotus/notes/addins/ispy/ISpy Java task.
07/04/2009 16:55:19 DECS Server started
07/04/2009 16:55:23 Informational, rebuild view needed - invalid collection header (reading /local/notesdata/names.nsf view note Title:'($LDAPS)')
07/04/2009 16:55:23 Informational, rebuilding view - validation error (reading /local/notesdata/names.nsf view note Title:'($LDAPS)')
07/04/2009 16:55:35 Informational, rebuild view needed - invalid collection header (reading /local/notesdata/names.nsf view note Title:'($LDAPG)')
07/04/2009 16:55:35 Informational, rebuilding view - validation error (reading /local/notesdata/names.nsf view note Title:'($LDAPG)')
07/04/2009 16:55:35 Enabling the recording of user activity for admin4.nsf
07/04/2009 16:55:39 Enabling the recording of user activity for admin4.ntf
07/04/2009 16:55:40 Informational, rebuilding view - selection or column formula changed (reading /local/notesdata/names.nsf view note Title:'($Adminp)')
07/04/2009 16:55:40 ISpy: Initialization complete.
07/04/2009 16:55:43 Informational, rebuild view needed - invalid collection header (reading /local/notesdata/names.nsf view note Title:'($LDAPAlias)')
07/04/2009 16:55:43 Informational, rebuilding view - validation error (reading /local/notesdata/names.nsf view note Title:'($LDAPAlias)')
07/04/2009 16:55:46 Administration Process started
07/04/2009 16:55:51 Enabling the recording of user activity for alog4.ntf
07/04/2009 16:55:52 Informational, rebuilding view - selection or column formula changed (reading /local/notesdata/names.nsf view note Title:'($LDAPAlias)')
07/04/2009 16:56:00 LDAP Server: Serving directory names.nsf in the orleans.fr Internet domain
07/04/2009 16:56:02 LDAP Schema: Started loading...
07/04/2009 16:56:18 Enabling the recording of user activity for archlg50.ntf
07/04/2009 16:56:19 Stats: Informational: Agent User record for CN=debian Stats/O=orleans could not be located. Please re-load Stats when server is completely started.
07/04/2009 16:56:19 Stats agent shutdown
07/04/2009 16:56:27 An Adminp request has been submitted to update port information in the server document
07/04/2009 16:56:32 LDAP Schema: Finished loading
07/04/2009 16:56:32 Enabling the recording of user activity for autosave.ntf
07/04/2009 16:56:34 LDAP Server: Started
07/04/2009 16:56:41 Started verifying directory tree on 'names.nsf'...
07/04/2009 16:56:44 Enabling the recording of user activity for billing.ntf
07/04/2009 16:56:44 Finished verifying directory tree on 'names.nsf'
07/04/2009 16:57:01 Enabling the recording of user activity for bookmark.ntf
07/04/2009 16:57:05 Enabling the recording of user activity for busytime.ntf
07/04/2009 16:57:18 Enabling the recording of user activity for catalog.ntf
07/04/2009 16:57:21 Multiple matches for the name ISpy on debian were found in the Domino Directory referenced by this server.
07/04/2009 16:57:21 Admin Process: Received the following error performing a Create Mail-In Database request on ISpy on debian (Path: names.nsf). Multiple matches for the name ISpy on debian were found in the Domino Directory referenced by this server.
07/04/2009 16:57:27 Enabling the recording of user activity for cca50.ntf
07/04/2009 16:57:44 Enabling the recording of user activity for certlog.nsf
07/04/2009 16:57:53 Enabling the recording of user activity for certlog.ntf
07/04/2009 16:57:56 Enabling the recording of user activity for certpub.ntf
07/04/2009 16:57:57 Enabling the recording of user activity for certreq.ntf
07/04/2009 16:57:58 Enabling the recording of user activity for certsrv.nsf
07/04/2009 16:58:00 Enabling the recording of user activity for cldbdir4.ntf
07/04/2009 16:58:01 Enabling the recording of user activity for clusta4.ntf
07/04/2009 16:58:04 Enabling the recording of user activity for cppfbws.nsf
07/04/2009 16:58:04 Event: Setting up default monitors in Monitoring Configuration database.
07/04/2009 16:58:06 Enabling the recording of user activity for cppfbws.ntf
07/04/2009 16:58:09 Enabling the recording of user activity for csrv50.ntf
Lors de l'arrêt de la machine Domino (quit sous la console Domino), on doit avoir en gros ceci :
07/04/2009 17:12:27 Starting Server shutdown
07/04/2009 17:12:28 Router: Shutdown is in progress
07/04/2009 17:12:27 Rooms and Resources Manager shutdown complete
07/04/2009 17:12:28 SMTP Server: Waiting for all tasks to complete
07/04/2009 17:12:28 Schedule Manager shutdown complete
07/04/2009 17:12:28 POP3 Server: Waiting for all tasks to complete
07/04/2009 17:12:28 LDAP Server: Waiting for all tasks to complete
07/04/2009 17:12:28 Calendar Connector shutdown
07/04/2009 17:12:28 AMgr: Executive '1' shutting down. Process id '26607'
07/04/2009 17:12:29 DECS Server shutdown complete
07/04/2009 17:12:29 ISpy shutdown
07/04/2009 17:12:29 IMAP Server: Waiting for all tasks to complete
07/04/2009 17:12:29 Closed session for debian/orleans|Databases accessed: 1 Documents read: 0 Documents written: 0
07/04/2009 17:12:30 RunJava: Finalized lotus/notes/addins/ispy/ISpy Java task.
07/04/2009 17:12:30 RunJava shutdown.
07/04/2009 17:12:30 Database Replicator shutdown
07/04/2009 17:12:31 Agent Manager shutdown complete
07/04/2009 17:12:33 Statistic Collector shutdown
07/04/2009 17:12:33 Index update process shutdown
07/04/2009 17:12:34 Router: Mail Router shutdown
07/04/2009 17:12:35 Event Monitor shutdown
07/04/2009 17:12:35 Administration Process shutdown
07/04/2009 17:12:39 LDAP Server: All tasks have completed
07/04/2009 17:12:39 LDAP Server: Shutdown
07/04/2009 17:12:49 POP3 Server: Listener failure: Internal Error
07/04/2009 17:12:49 POP3 Server: All tasks have completed
07/04/2009 17:12:49 POP3 Server: Shutdown
07/04/2009 17:12:51 SMTP Server: Listener failure: Internal Error
07/04/2009 17:12:51 SMTP Server: All tasks have completed
07/04/2009 17:12:51 SMTP Server: Shutdown
07/04/2009 17:12:51 IMAP Server: Listener failure: Internal Error
07/04/2009 17:12:51 IMAP Server: All tasks have completed
07/04/2009 17:12:51 IMAP Server: Shutdown
07/04/2009 17:12:51 Server shutdown complete
Si besoin : sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start
La première nuit, le serveur va mettre à jour des éléments propres à Domino :
08/04/2009 01:00:14 Updating 'addressBookButton.gif' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:14 Updating 'AddressBookSync' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:14 Updating 'AddressFormatSubform' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:14 Updating 'AddressParser' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:14 Updating 'address.gif' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:14 Updating 'all documents.gif' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:14 Updating 'alph.bmp' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:15 Updating 'animatedarchive.gif' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:15 Updating 'animatedFolders.gif' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:15 Updating 'animatedgroupcalendar.gif' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:15 Updating 'animatedlists.gif' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:15 Updating 'animatedothercalendars.gif' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:15 Updating 'animatedothermail.gif' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:16 Updating 'animatedothertodo.gif' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:16 Updating 'animatedTools.gif' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:16 Updating 'animatedViews.gif' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:16 Updating 'animateprivatefolders.gif' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:16 Updating 'archive-blue.gif' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:16 Updating 'archive.gif' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:16 Updating 'Archive\Archive Now' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:16 Updating 'Archive\Archive Selected Documents' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:16 Updating 'Archive\Create Criteria...' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:16 Updating 'Archive\Open Log' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:17 Updating 'Archive\Settings...' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:18 Updating 'ArchLog.gif' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:18 Updating 'archoutline.gif' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:18 Updating 'Attachment Icon' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:18 Updating 'bg_0' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:18 Updating 'bg_1' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:19 Updating 'bg_2' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:19 Updating 'bg_3' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:19 Updating 'bg_4' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:19 Updating 'bg_5' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
08/04/2009 01:00:19 Updating 'bg_DIALOGBAND' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)'
===== 4. Recommandation =====
**Il est nécessaire de laisser tourner la machine, même hors réseau, la première nuit car des process sont programmés spécifiquement.**