Cette page recense les logiciels et méthodes permettant de visualiser une vidéo sous-titrée, et de sous-titrer une vidéo.
Logiciel | Remarques | Affiche le nombre de caractères par ligne (a) | Affiche une visualisation des ondes audio (b) |
Aegisub | spécialisé dans le fansub d'anime. Installable via la logithèque Ubuntu | Non | Oui |
Gaupol subtitle editor | Installable via la logithèque Ubuntu | Oui | Non |
Gnome-subtitles | Installable via la logithèque Ubuntu (Sauf ubuntu 18.04) | Oui | Non |
Subtitle editor | Installable via la logithèque Ubuntu | Oui | Oui |
(a) Pratique pour savoir si la lecture du sous-titre sera trop difficile car le ratio nbre de caractère / temps est trop élevé. L'article de Wikipedia sur le sous-titrage recommande 1s pour 15 caractères.
(b) Pratique pour caler facilement et précisément le début et la fin d'un sous-titre.
* Nécessite d'être en super-utilisateur pour Avidemux
J'ajoute personnellement cette astuce permettant de visualiser 2 sous titres simultanément après avoir très longuement cherché sur internet. Ceci est un script (corrigé) trouvé sur internet ayant comme nom : merge2ass.sh. Le script convertit 2 fichiers sous titre en 1 .ass (équivalent au .ssa). Votre lecteur vidéo doit être en mesure de lire ce fichier sous titre (VLC l'accepte)
La commande est la suivante :
merge2ass.sh [--help] [movie subtitle1 subtitle2] [-pm|--play-movie]
subtitle2 est le sous titre positionné en bas de la vidéo
#!/bin/bash # merge2ass.sh - script for merging two text-subtitles into an ass subtitle file # version 0.9, 8-august-2007 # comments/criticism/praise to jose1711-gmail-com # dependencies: mplayer (if your subtitle files need to be converted to srt), gnu utils # thanks to: # - d.watzke for comments # - belisarivs for testing # - boris dušek <boris (dot) dusek - gmail - com> for testing/ideas # # $1 is a movie file # $2 is a subtitle1 # $3 is a subtitle2 # $4 is optional and could be "-pm" or "--play-movie" for instant watching of the movie # example: # merge2ass.sh movie.avi english.srt slovak.sub # mplayer -noautosub -ass movie.avi -sub movie-bilingual.ass -subcp utf8 # # or just # merge2ass.sh movie.avi english.srt slovak.sub -pm # # or even only # merge2ass.sh --detect movie.avi -pm # # ;-) # # release history: # 0.8a (29. 7. 2007) # - initial public release # 0.8.1a (30. 7. 2007) # - check_syntax fixed (d.watzke) # - multiline echo -> cat (d.watzke) # - removes temp files after conversion # 0.8.2 (1. 8. 2007) # - check whether the input files exist prior to running MPlayer # - check for MPlayer binary # - help page added # - new optional CLI parameters: -pm (plays movie after conversion), --help # (2. 8. 2007) # - timestamp in output more compatible (reported by belisarivs) # 0.9 (8. 8. 2007) # - performs a check for writable output # - check for MPlayer's support of ass/ssa if -pm is used # - pointers to subtitle files stored as arrays # - autorecognition of subtitles based on MPlayer's -sub-fuzziness feature (--detect) # - output filename based on movie filename (+bilingual.ass) # - bash now mandatory (non-POSIX syntax used) # - flag -pm has a long alias (--play-movie) # # some future thoughts: # - more optional flags (do_not_remove_temp_files, play_but_dont_delete_output_afterwards,dont_do # the_conversion_just_merging,output_file..) # - cleaner sed/awk code # - support for other players (xine, totem, kmplayer, vlc..) # - subtitle encoding detection based on enca (if present) - boris? # # docs: # - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SubStation_Alpha # - http://www.perlfu.co.uk/projects/asa/ass-specs.doc # # THE STORY ENDS HERE # set -x # normally you do not want to see mplayer's error output #mplayer_err=/dev/stderr mplayer_err=/dev/null arg_count="$#" movie="$1" sub[1]="$2" sub[2]="$3" show_help(){ cat << EOF ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | Merge2ass - a script for merging two text subtitles into ass/ssa subtitle file | | author: jose1711 - gmail - com, 2007/08 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: merge2ass.sh [--help] [movie subtitle1 subtitle2] [-pm|--play-movie] or merge2ass.sh --detect movie [-pm|--play-movie] --help show this help page and exit --detect try to detect subtitles using MPlayer's sub-fuzziness=1 flag movie movie file (anything that MPlayer recognizes) subtitle[12] file(s) containing text subtitles that MPlayer recognizes -pm play movie immediately and remove the output after finishing --play-movie EOF } detect_subtitles(){ while read -r line; do sub[++i]="$line" done < <(mplayer -sub-fuzziness 1 -frames 0 "$movie" 2>/dev/null | sed -n "s/^SUB: Added subtitle file ([0-9]*): \(.*\)$/\1/p") echo "$i subtitles were detected in total." echo "These two will be used:" echo "${sub[1]}" echo "${sub[2]}" } convert_subs(){ type mplayer || { echo "MPlayer not installed or binary not in path, please investigate. Exiting.."; exit 1; } echo "Converting the 1st subtitle file (${sub[1]}) to a time-based format..." # slower but does not require the video file for conversion # mplayer /dev/zero -rawvideo pal:fps=25 -demuxer rawvideo -vc null -vo null -noframedrop -benchmark -sub "$movie" -dumpsrtsub mplayer -dumpsrtsub -noautosub -really-quiet -frames 0 -sub "${sub[1]}" "$movie" 2>>"$mplayer_err" && echo "Done" mv dumpsub.srt "${sub[1]}-temp" echo "Converting the 2nd subtitle file (${sub[2]}) to a time-based format..." mplayer -dumpsrtsub -noautosub -really-quiet -frames 0 -sub "${sub[2]}" "$movie" 2>>"$mplayer_err" && echo "Done" mv dumpsub.srt "${sub[2]}-temp" } generate_ssa_header(){ cat > "$output" << EOF [Script Info] Title: Original Script: Original Translation: Original Editing: Original Timing: Original Script Checking: ScriptType: v4.00 Collisions: Normal PlayResY: 1024 PlayDepth: 0 Timer: 100,0000 [V4 Styles] Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, TertiaryColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, AlphaLevel, Encoding Style: lang1style,Arial,64,65535,65535,65535,-2147483640,-1,0,1,3,0,6,30,30,30,0,0 Style: lang2style,Arial,64,15724527,15724527,15724527,4144959,0,0,1,1,2,2,5,5,30,0,0 [Events] Format: Marked, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text EOF } generate_ssa_dialogs(){ sed -e "/ --> /s/,/./g" "${sub[1]}-temp" | tr -d "\r" | awk 'BEGIN{ORS="";print " "} / --> /,/^$/ {ORS=" ";print} /^$/{print "\n"}' | sed -e "s/ --> /,/g" -e "s/^ \([^ ]*\) \(.*\)/Dialogue: Marked=0,\1,lang1style,Cher,0000,0000,0000,,\2/" -e "s/,00:/,0:/g" -e "s/\([:,]\)0\([0-9]\)/\1\2/g" -e "s/\([0-9]\)\(.\)\([0-9]\)\([0-9]\)0\(,\)/\1\2\3\4\5/g" >>"$output" sed -e "/ --> /s/,/./g" "${sub[2]}-temp" | tr -d "\r" | awk 'BEGIN{ORS="";print " "} / --> /,/^$/ {ORS=" ";print} /^$/{print "\n"}' | sed -e "s/ --> /,/g" -e "s/^ \([^ ]*\) \(.*\)/Dialogue: Marked=0,\1,lang2style,Cher,0000,0000,0000,,\2/" -e "s/,00:/,0:/g" -e "s/^ *//g" -e "s/\([:,]\)0\([0-9]\)/\1\2/g" -e "s/\([0-9]\)\(.\)\([0-9]\)\([0-9]\)0\(,\)/\1\2\3\4\5/g" >>"$output" } remove_temp_files(){ rm "${sub[1]}-temp" "${sub[2]}-temp" } play_movie(){ mplayer -ass 2>/dev/null >/dev/null || { echo "Too old MPlayer version, can't understand ASS/SSA subs. Install a newer version."; exit 1; } mplayer -really-quiet -fs "$movie" -sub "$output" -ass -subcp utf8 -noautosub } delete_output(){ rm "$output" } eval last_arg='$'${arg_count} if [ $arg_count -eq 0 ]; then show_help exit 0 fi for param in $* do if [ $param = "--help" ]; then show_help; exit 0; fi done if [ "$movie" = "--detect" ]; then movie="${sub[1]}" output="${movie%.*}-bilingual.ass" > "$output" #|| { echo "Can't write here! Exiting.." && echo 1; } detect_subtitles fi if [ ! -f "$movie" ]; then echo "Movie file ($movie) does not exist. Going back to shell.."; exit 1; fi if [ ! -f "${sub[1]}" ]; then echo "Subtitle1 file (${sub[1]}) does not exist. Going back to shell.."; exit 1; fi if [ ! -f "${sub[2]}" ]; then echo "Subtitle2 file (${sub[2]}) does not exist. Going back to shell.."; exit 1; fi echo "Processing.." # reset output output="${movie%.*}-bilingual.ass" > "$output" #|| { echo "Can't write here! Exiting.." && echo 1; } convert_subs generate_ssa_header generate_ssa_dialogs remove_temp_files if [ "$last_arg" = "-pm" -o "$last_arg" = "--play-movie" ]; then play_movie delete_output fi exit 0 # set +x
Une solution open-source existe en ligne (également distribuée sous forme de jar exécutable) : site, github